1.1. Name 名称
The name of the church is “Abundant Grace Presbyterian Church”, hereinafter referred to as “AGPC”.
1.2. Address 地址
The address of AGPC is 240 Jalan Kayu, Singapore 799464 or such other address as may subsequently be decided upon by AGPC and approved by the Registrar of Societies. AGPC shall carry out its activities only in places and premises which have the prior written approval from the relevant authorities, where necessary.
嘉恩堂的地址为240 Jalan Kayu, Singapore 799464 抑或嘉恩堂随后可能决定的、并经社团注册局批准的其他地址;嘉恩堂将只在事先获得有关当局书面批准(如有必要)的地方和场地进行活动。
1.3. Purpose 宗旨
The purpose of AGPC is to preach the Christian doctrine, provide an environment for its members to practice the Christian life and extend God’s Kingdom on earth.
1.1. Name 名称
The name of the church is “Abundant Grace Presbyterian Church”, hereinafter referred to as “AGPC”.
1.2. Address 地址
The address of AGPC is 240 Jalan Kayu, Singapore 799464 or such other address as may subsequently be decided upon by AGPC and approved by the Registrar of Societies. AGPC shall carry out its activities only in places and premises which have the prior written approval from the relevant authorities, where necessary.
嘉恩堂的地址为240 Jalan Kayu, Singapore 799464 抑或嘉恩堂随后可能决定的、并经社团注册局批准的其他地址;嘉恩堂将只在事先获得有关当局书面批准(如有必要)的地方和场地进行活动。
1.3. Purpose 宗旨
The purpose of AGPC is to preach the Christian doctrine, provide an environment for its members to practice the Christian life and extend God’s Kingdom on earth.
2.1. AGPC believes in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, One God in Three Persons, to be the only true God.
2.2. AGPC believes in Jesus Christ as the Head of the Church, the Saviour and Redeemer of the world and only Mediator between God and man. All powers and functions in the Church are subject to Christ’s authority. The Church throughout the world and of all ages is His Body, of which AGPC is a member.
嘉恩堂相信耶稣基督是教会的元首,为世人之救赎主, 是上帝与人之间唯一的中保。教会的一切权力、运作,皆附属于基督的权柄之下。全世界历代教会为其身体,嘉恩堂乃其百体中之一。
2.3. AGPC accepts the Scripture of the Old and New Testaments as the true Word of God, inspired and holy, and as the supreme standard of faith and duty. It acknowledges the Apostles Creed and the Westminster Confession of Faith as worthily expressing the fundamental and traditional faith commonly held by the Church.
2.1. AGPC believes in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, One God in Three Persons, to be the only true God.
2.2. AGPC believes in Jesus Christ as the Head of the Church, the Saviour and Redeemer of the world and only Mediator between God and man. All powers and functions in the Church are subject to Christ’s authority. The Church throughout the world and of all ages is His Body, of which AGPC is a member.
嘉恩堂相信耶稣基督是教会的元首,为世人之救赎主, 是上帝与人之间唯一的中保。教会的一切权力、运作,皆附属于基督的权柄之下。全世界历代教会为其身体,嘉恩堂乃其百体中之一。
2.3. AGPC accepts the Scripture of the Old and New Testaments as the true Word of God, inspired and holy, and as the supreme standard of faith and duty. It acknowledges the Apostles Creed and the Westminster Confession of Faith as worthily expressing the fundamental and traditional faith commonly held by the Church.
The Presbyterian Church in Singapore (“PCS”) inherited the polity of the Reformed church from John Calvin. It preserves the biblical understanding that the offices of ministers, elders and deacons manage the affairs of a congregation. The Church is a body of believers. As children of God united in Him, the Church is not hierarchical; instead, it promotes democracy, representation and orderliness in its practices.
The Presbyterian Church in Singapore (“PCS”) inherited the polity of the Reformed church from John Calvin. It preserves the biblical understanding that the offices of ministers, elders and deacons manage the affairs of a congregation. The Church is a body of believers. As children of God united in Him, the Church is not hierarchical; instead, it promotes democracy, representation and orderliness in its practices.
4.1. AGPC shall be a member of PCS and shall affirm its fellowship and unity with PCS and other members of PCS.
4.2. In the event that AGPC establishes a separate congregation to serve a different language group and elects a Minister and at least two (2) Elders specifically to serve that congregation, AGPC may on behalf of that congregation apply to the Presbytery with the same language as that used by that congregation to become a member of that Presbytery. The Executive Committee (“Exco”) of that Presbytery shall consider the application and submit its recommendation to the Synod Exco who may approve or reject the application. The approval may be subject to such conditions as the Synod Exco may impose. The decision of the Synod Exco shall be final. If the Synod Exco approves the application, AGPC may appoint Representatives from that congregation to attend the general meetings of that Presbytery and the general meetings of the Synod. For clarity, if Synod Exco does not approve the application, such a decision shall not affect AGPC’s membership in the relevant Presbytery and in PCS.
4.3. AGPC shall appoint Representatives, who shall comprise the Senior Minister, Associate Ministers, Preachers, Co-Workers and such number of Elders and/or Deacons which AGPC is entitled to appoint as set out in the Constitution and by-laws of PCS, to represent it at the general meetings of the relevant Presbytery and the Synod.
4.4. AGPC shall pay its prescribed annual contribution to PCS.
4.5. AGPC’s membership in PCS may be terminated when:
4.1. AGPC shall be a member of PCS and shall affirm its fellowship and unity with PCS and other members of PCS.
4.2. In the event that AGPC establishes a separate congregation to serve a different language group and elects a Minister and at least two (2) Elders specifically to serve that congregation, AGPC may on behalf of that congregation apply to the Presbytery with the same language as that used by that congregation to become a member of that Presbytery. The Executive Committee (“Exco”) of that Presbytery shall consider the application and submit its recommendation to the Synod Exco who may approve or reject the application. The approval may be subject to such conditions as the Synod Exco may impose. The decision of the Synod Exco shall be final. If the Synod Exco approves the application, AGPC may appoint Representatives from that congregation to attend the general meetings of that Presbytery and the general meetings of the Synod. For clarity, if Synod Exco does not approve the application, such a decision shall not affect AGPC’s membership in the relevant Presbytery and in PCS.
4.3. AGPC shall appoint Representatives, who shall comprise the Senior Minister, Associate Ministers, Preachers, Co-Workers and such number of Elders and/or Deacons which AGPC is entitled to appoint as set out in the Constitution and by-laws of PCS, to represent it at the general meetings of the relevant Presbytery and the Synod.
4.4. AGPC shall pay its prescribed annual contribution to PCS.
4.5. AGPC’s membership in PCS may be terminated when:
- AGPC fails or ceases to subscribe to the Statement of Faith or the Presbyterian Distinctive set out in the Constitution of PCS;
- 嘉恩堂不愿或不再认同长老大会法规中所列明的信仰宣言或长老会特色;
- AGPC’s membership in PCS is terminated pursuant to the Constitution of PCS;
- 嘉恩堂依照长老大会法规被终止长老大会的会员资格;
- AGPC is dissolved; or
- 嘉恩堂被解散; 或
- AGPC and PCS both agree to part ways after best efforts to resolve their differences pursuant to the Constitution of PCS.
- 嘉恩堂与长老大会遵照长老大会法规,经最大努力后仍无法化解分歧而彼此同意分道扬镳。
5.1. Communicant Members
5.1.1. Members of AGPC (hereafter referred to as “Communicant Members”) are those:
5.2. Application and Qualifications for Communicant Membership受餐会友资格的申请与条件
5.2.1. Anyone who intends to become a Communicant Member of AGPC must submit a written application to AGPC in the prescribed form. For those who are 18 years of age and below, the consent of their parents or guardians must be indicated in the written application.
5.2.2. Applicants must openly confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour and demonstrate a clear understanding of the Gospel.
5.2.3. They must be willing to observe the regulations of AGPC and to carry out the responsibilities of Communicant Membership.
5.2.4. They must have attended membership class and had their qualifications examined and approved by the Elders and Deacons Court (“EDC”) and taken part in a service of baptism, confirmation or transfer of membership (as the case may be).
5.3. Responsibilities of Communicant Members 受餐会友的本分
5.3.1. Communicant Members must live a life worthy of their calling as Christians.
5.3.2. They are responsible for supporting AGPC’s normal expenses and any special needs through free-will offerings.
5.3.3. They must abide by the Constitution of AGPC and accept the decisions of AGPC.
5.3.4. Where AGPC finds that any Communicant Member has acted in a manner unbecoming of a Communicant Member or is by any act or omission likely to hinder the witness of AGPC or render it of ill repute, the Communicant Member shall be requested to appear before the EDC. The EDC shall have the power to discipline, by admonition, rebuke, suspension and/or revocation of membership, a Communicant Member in accordance with the prescribed procedure set out in the by-laws. The EDC should notify the Presbytery in writing of any disciplinary action taken against a Communicant Member.
5.4. Rights of Communicant Members受餐会友权力
5.4.1. Communicant Members shall have the right to partake in the Lord’s Supper.
5.4.2. Communicant Members shall have the right to attend and speak at congregational meetings. However, only Communicant Members who are 21 years of age and above shall have the right to nominate, vote and be elected to office in AGPC. Each Communicant Member shall have one vote.
5.4.3. Communicant Members who have attended an infant or child baptism class may present their children for infant or child baptism. It is sufficient that only one of the parents is a Communicant Member.
5.5. Termination of Membership终止会籍
5.5.1. A Communicant Member’s membership in AGPC shall be terminated when:
5.6. Transfer of Membership移名
5.6.1. In the event that a Communicant Member intends to transfer membership to another church, provided the Communicant Member is not under discipline or the subject of a disciplinary inquiry, AGPC shall upon the written request of the Communicant Member or the transferee church issue a Letter of Transfer addressed to the Minister or Pastor of the transferee church and duly signed by the Senior Minister of AGPC.
5.6.2. A registered member of another church may by Letter of Transfer issued by the Minister or Pastor of that church to AGPC to request a transfer of membership to AGPC. The transferee shall have his qualifications examined and approved by the EDC and, if approved, shall thereafter take part in a service of transfer of membership in order to effect a transfer of membership to AGPC.
5.7. Inactive Members不活跃会友
5.7.1. If a Communicant Member has not been regularly worshipping in AGPC over a period of twelve (12) months and despite efforts of AGPC leaders to contact the Communicant Member or despite encouragement from AGPC leaders, the Communicant Member continues not to regularly worship in AGPC, that Communicant Member shall be classified as an Inactive Member and AGPC shall send written notice of such action to him at his last known address.
5.7.2. Inactive Members shall not be counted in determining the quorum of a congregational meeting and shall not have the right to speak at congregational meetings, to nominate, vote or stand for election provided always that the EDC shall have the discretion to reinstate such Inactive Members when they have resumed regular worship in AGPC.
5.8. Restoration复籍
Any Communicant Member whose membership has been suspended or revoked pursuant to Article 5.3.4 may be restored by the EDC upon evidence of the Communicant Member’s repentance and reformation.
5.1. Communicant Members
5.1.1. Members of AGPC (hereafter referred to as “Communicant Members”) are those:
- who are 16 years of age and above and have taken part in a service of baptism; or
- 凡16岁或以上并已领受圣洗礼者; 或
- who were baptized when they were infants or young children and are 16 years of age and above and have taken part in a service of confirmation; or
- 凡在婴/幼儿时领受圣洗礼、年龄达16岁或以上并已领受坚信礼者; 或
- who are registered members of another church, are 16 years of age and above and have requested a transfer of membership to AGPC and have taken part in a service of transfer of membership.
- 凡其他堂会/教会的、年龄达16岁或以上的会友要求转移会籍至嘉恩堂,并依法接受移名礼者。
5.2. Application and Qualifications for Communicant Membership受餐会友资格的申请与条件
5.2.1. Anyone who intends to become a Communicant Member of AGPC must submit a written application to AGPC in the prescribed form. For those who are 18 years of age and below, the consent of their parents or guardians must be indicated in the written application.
5.2.2. Applicants must openly confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour and demonstrate a clear understanding of the Gospel.
5.2.3. They must be willing to observe the regulations of AGPC and to carry out the responsibilities of Communicant Membership.
5.2.4. They must have attended membership class and had their qualifications examined and approved by the Elders and Deacons Court (“EDC”) and taken part in a service of baptism, confirmation or transfer of membership (as the case may be).
5.3. Responsibilities of Communicant Members 受餐会友的本分
5.3.1. Communicant Members must live a life worthy of their calling as Christians.
5.3.2. They are responsible for supporting AGPC’s normal expenses and any special needs through free-will offerings.
5.3.3. They must abide by the Constitution of AGPC and accept the decisions of AGPC.
5.3.4. Where AGPC finds that any Communicant Member has acted in a manner unbecoming of a Communicant Member or is by any act or omission likely to hinder the witness of AGPC or render it of ill repute, the Communicant Member shall be requested to appear before the EDC. The EDC shall have the power to discipline, by admonition, rebuke, suspension and/or revocation of membership, a Communicant Member in accordance with the prescribed procedure set out in the by-laws. The EDC should notify the Presbytery in writing of any disciplinary action taken against a Communicant Member.
5.4. Rights of Communicant Members受餐会友权力
5.4.1. Communicant Members shall have the right to partake in the Lord’s Supper.
5.4.2. Communicant Members shall have the right to attend and speak at congregational meetings. However, only Communicant Members who are 21 years of age and above shall have the right to nominate, vote and be elected to office in AGPC. Each Communicant Member shall have one vote.
5.4.3. Communicant Members who have attended an infant or child baptism class may present their children for infant or child baptism. It is sufficient that only one of the parents is a Communicant Member.
5.5. Termination of Membership终止会籍
5.5.1. A Communicant Member’s membership in AGPC shall be terminated when:
- he transfers his membership to another church;
- 将会籍转到其他堂会;
- he fails or ceases to subscribe to the Statement of Faith of AGPC or the Presbyterian Distinctive set out in Articles 2 and 3, respectively;
- 不愿或不再认同法规第2及3条文所列嘉恩堂信仰宣言或长老会特色;
- his membership is revoked pursuant to Article 5.3.4; or
- 在法规第5.3.4条文规定下被褫夺会籍; 或
- he dies.
- 逝世
5.6. Transfer of Membership移名
5.6.1. In the event that a Communicant Member intends to transfer membership to another church, provided the Communicant Member is not under discipline or the subject of a disciplinary inquiry, AGPC shall upon the written request of the Communicant Member or the transferee church issue a Letter of Transfer addressed to the Minister or Pastor of the transferee church and duly signed by the Senior Minister of AGPC.
5.6.2. A registered member of another church may by Letter of Transfer issued by the Minister or Pastor of that church to AGPC to request a transfer of membership to AGPC. The transferee shall have his qualifications examined and approved by the EDC and, if approved, shall thereafter take part in a service of transfer of membership in order to effect a transfer of membership to AGPC.
5.7. Inactive Members不活跃会友
5.7.1. If a Communicant Member has not been regularly worshipping in AGPC over a period of twelve (12) months and despite efforts of AGPC leaders to contact the Communicant Member or despite encouragement from AGPC leaders, the Communicant Member continues not to regularly worship in AGPC, that Communicant Member shall be classified as an Inactive Member and AGPC shall send written notice of such action to him at his last known address.
5.7.2. Inactive Members shall not be counted in determining the quorum of a congregational meeting and shall not have the right to speak at congregational meetings, to nominate, vote or stand for election provided always that the EDC shall have the discretion to reinstate such Inactive Members when they have resumed regular worship in AGPC.
5.8. Restoration复籍
Any Communicant Member whose membership has been suspended or revoked pursuant to Article 5.3.4 may be restored by the EDC upon evidence of the Communicant Member’s repentance and reformation.
6.1. The highest authority of AGPC is vested in a general meeting of the Communicant Members.
6.2. An Annual Congregational Meeting of AGPC (“ACM”) shall be held by June or within 12 months from the day of the last ACM as determined by EDC. The time and place of the ACM shall be decided by the EDC.
6.3. At least fourteen (14) days’ written notice shall be given of an ACM. Notice of meeting stating the date, time and place of meeting and the agenda of the meeting shall be sent by AGPC to all Communicant Members.
6.4. At other times, an Extraordinary Congregational Meeting (“ECM”) may be called by the EDC. The Senior Minister and the EDC Clerk shall, at least ten (10) days before the ECM, notify the Communicant Members in writing of the date, time and place of the ECM and the agenda of the ECM.
6.5. An ECM may be called at any time at the request in writing of not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total active Communicant Members. The EDC shall convene the ECM in accordance with Article 6.4 within two (2) months of the date of receipt of such request. If the EDC does not within two (2) months of the date of receipt of the written request proceed to convene the ECM, the Communicant Members who requested for the ECM shall convene the ECM by giving ten (10) days’ written notice to the Communicant Members setting forth the date, time and place of the ECM and the agenda of the ECM. A member of the EDC shall chair the ECM, but if none of the members of the EDC are present at the ECM, then the ECM shall be chaired by one of the Communicant Members who requested for the ECM.
6.6. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed at all congregational meetings.
6.7. The following matters will be considered at the ACM:
6.8. Any matter which has not been notified to the Communicant Members prior to the meeting may not be added to the agenda during the meeting.
6.9. Any Communicant Member who intends to place an item on the agenda of a congregational meeting shall submit his request in writing to the EDC at least seven (7) days before the meeting is held and if the EDC agrees that it is appropriate to include the item in the agenda, the EDC Clerk shall notify the Communicant Members in writing of the change in agenda at least two (2) days before the meeting.
6.10. The quorum of a congregational meeting is 30% of the total active Communicant Members, except where expressly provided otherwise in this Constitution.
6.11. In the event that there is no quorum at the commencement of a congregational meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned for seven (7) days or to such other day and at such other time and place as the EDC may decide. If within half an hour from the time appointed for the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present, those Communicant Members present shall be deemed a quorum and may transact the business for which the meeting was called except that such meeting shall not have the power to decide on matters concerning the purchase, sale or mortgage of property; or the amendment of the Constitution; or the dissolution of AGPC.
6.1. The highest authority of AGPC is vested in a general meeting of the Communicant Members.
6.2. An Annual Congregational Meeting of AGPC (“ACM”) shall be held by June or within 12 months from the day of the last ACM as determined by EDC. The time and place of the ACM shall be decided by the EDC.
6.3. At least fourteen (14) days’ written notice shall be given of an ACM. Notice of meeting stating the date, time and place of meeting and the agenda of the meeting shall be sent by AGPC to all Communicant Members.
6.4. At other times, an Extraordinary Congregational Meeting (“ECM”) may be called by the EDC. The Senior Minister and the EDC Clerk shall, at least ten (10) days before the ECM, notify the Communicant Members in writing of the date, time and place of the ECM and the agenda of the ECM.
6.5. An ECM may be called at any time at the request in writing of not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total active Communicant Members. The EDC shall convene the ECM in accordance with Article 6.4 within two (2) months of the date of receipt of such request. If the EDC does not within two (2) months of the date of receipt of the written request proceed to convene the ECM, the Communicant Members who requested for the ECM shall convene the ECM by giving ten (10) days’ written notice to the Communicant Members setting forth the date, time and place of the ECM and the agenda of the ECM. A member of the EDC shall chair the ECM, but if none of the members of the EDC are present at the ECM, then the ECM shall be chaired by one of the Communicant Members who requested for the ECM.
6.6. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed at all congregational meetings.
6.7. The following matters will be considered at the ACM:
- The previous financial year’s accounts and annual report of AGPC;
- 上一个财政年度的财政报告及嘉恩堂的年度报告。
- Where applicable, the election of office-bearers and auditors for the following term.
- 票选下一届职员及审计(若适用)。
6.8. Any matter which has not been notified to the Communicant Members prior to the meeting may not be added to the agenda during the meeting.
6.9. Any Communicant Member who intends to place an item on the agenda of a congregational meeting shall submit his request in writing to the EDC at least seven (7) days before the meeting is held and if the EDC agrees that it is appropriate to include the item in the agenda, the EDC Clerk shall notify the Communicant Members in writing of the change in agenda at least two (2) days before the meeting.
6.10. The quorum of a congregational meeting is 30% of the total active Communicant Members, except where expressly provided otherwise in this Constitution.
6.11. In the event that there is no quorum at the commencement of a congregational meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned for seven (7) days or to such other day and at such other time and place as the EDC may decide. If within half an hour from the time appointed for the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present, those Communicant Members present shall be deemed a quorum and may transact the business for which the meeting was called except that such meeting shall not have the power to decide on matters concerning the purchase, sale or mortgage of property; or the amendment of the Constitution; or the dissolution of AGPC.
7.1. The EDC is the highest governing body of AGPC and is responsible for the spiritual and organizational affairs of AGPC. The EDC shall have not less than five (5) members and not more than 20 members.
7.2. The Office Bearers of AGPC嘉恩堂长执会的职员
7.2.1. The office bearers of AGPC are the members of the EDC composed of the Senior Minister, the Associate Ministers (if any) and a minimum of two (2) Serving Elders and two (2) Deacons. Except where expressly provided otherwise in this Constitution, the term of office of each office bearer is three (3) years.
7.2.2. Unless with the prior approval in writing of the Registrar or an Assistant Registrar of Societies, the majority of the members of the EDC shall be Singapore citizens. In addition, the Senior Minister, the EDC Clerk, the Treasurer and their deputies shall be Singapore citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents. Foreign diplomats shall not serve as members of the EDC.
7.2.3. Any changes to the EDC shall be notified to the Registry of Societies and the Commissioner of Charities within two (2) weeks of the change.
7.3. Senior Minister and Associate Ministers主理牧师及同理牧师
7.3.1. The Senior Minister shall represent AGPC in its dealings with outside persons.
7.3.2. The Associate Ministers shall assist the Senior Minister and one of them may deputise for the Senior Minister in his absence.
7.4. EDC Clerk长执会书记
7.4.1. The EDC shall appoint one of their members to serve as the EDC Clerk.
7.4.2. The EDC Clerk is responsible for all records, except financial records, of AGPC. He shall ensure that the minutes of all congregational meetings of AGPC, the minutes of all EDC meetings and other historical records are properly maintained. He shall maintain an up-to-date Register of Communicant Members at all times.
7.5. Treasurer财政
7.5.1. The EDC shall appoint one of their members who has the appropriate financial skills and experience to serve as Treasurer. The Treasurer shall hold office for a term of two (2) years. If the Treasurer has served two (2) consecutive terms, he must retire thereafter for a minimum period of one (1) term.
7.5.2. The Treasurer is responsible for the finances of AGPC and shall maintain proper records of all financial transactions of AGPC. He shall prepare an annual budget for presentation and approval at the ECM.
7.5.3. The Treasurer shall present financial statements of AGPC at the EDC meetings. In addition, he shall prepare the financial report at the end of the Financial Year for audit and shall present the audited accounts of AGPC at the ACM.
7.5.4. All cheques and other withdrawals from the accounts of AGPC must be signed by at least two (2) authorised signatories from members of the EDC appointed by the EDC in a written resolution.
7.6. Assistant Treasurer副财政
7.6.1. The EDC may appoint one of their members who has the appropriate financial skills and experience to serve as the Assistant Treasurer. The Assistant Treasurer shall hold office for a term of two (2) years. If the Assistant Treasurer has served two (2) consecutive terms, he must retire thereafter for a minimum period of one (1) term.
7.6.2. The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer and deputise for the Treasurer during his absence.
7.7. Powers and Responsibilities of the EDC长执会的权力与职务
7.7.1. The EDC shall be responsible for the following:
7.7.2. The EDC shall have the power to appoint committees to carry out the functions of the EDC as it deems necessary.
7.7.3. Subject to the approval of the Communicant Members at a congregational meeting, the EDC shall have the powers to borrow or raise funds on behalf of AGPC for the purposes of AGPC and to mortgage or charge its undertakings and property, or any part thereof, whether outright or as security for any debt, liability or obligation of AGPC.
7.7.4. The Senior Minister, the Associate Ministers and the Serving Elders, collectively, shall be responsible for the spiritual affairs of AGPC, which shall include the following:
7.8. Meetings of the EDC长执会会议
7.8.1. The EDC shall be chaired by the appointed EDC Chairperson or the deputy Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson to preside over the meetings of the EDC.
7.8.2. The EDC must meet at least four (4) times a year to transact business. Seven (7) days’ written notice of such meeting must be given to the EDC members. When necessary a special EDC meeting may be called by the Chairperson and the EDC Clerk on two (2) days’ written notice.
7.8.3. The quorum of a meeting of the EDC shall be half of the total number of EDC members.
7.8.4. If a member of the EDC has a direct or indirect interest in a transaction or project or other matter to be discussed at an EDC meeting, that member shall disclose the nature of his interest before the discussion of the matter begins. That member shall not participate in the discussion nor vote on the matter, and shall also offer to withdraw from the meeting and the EDC shall decide if this offer should be accepted.
7.1. The EDC is the highest governing body of AGPC and is responsible for the spiritual and organizational affairs of AGPC. The EDC shall have not less than five (5) members and not more than 20 members.
7.2. The Office Bearers of AGPC嘉恩堂长执会的职员
7.2.1. The office bearers of AGPC are the members of the EDC composed of the Senior Minister, the Associate Ministers (if any) and a minimum of two (2) Serving Elders and two (2) Deacons. Except where expressly provided otherwise in this Constitution, the term of office of each office bearer is three (3) years.
7.2.2. Unless with the prior approval in writing of the Registrar or an Assistant Registrar of Societies, the majority of the members of the EDC shall be Singapore citizens. In addition, the Senior Minister, the EDC Clerk, the Treasurer and their deputies shall be Singapore citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents. Foreign diplomats shall not serve as members of the EDC.
7.2.3. Any changes to the EDC shall be notified to the Registry of Societies and the Commissioner of Charities within two (2) weeks of the change.
7.3. Senior Minister and Associate Ministers主理牧师及同理牧师
7.3.1. The Senior Minister shall represent AGPC in its dealings with outside persons.
7.3.2. The Associate Ministers shall assist the Senior Minister and one of them may deputise for the Senior Minister in his absence.
7.4. EDC Clerk长执会书记
7.4.1. The EDC shall appoint one of their members to serve as the EDC Clerk.
7.4.2. The EDC Clerk is responsible for all records, except financial records, of AGPC. He shall ensure that the minutes of all congregational meetings of AGPC, the minutes of all EDC meetings and other historical records are properly maintained. He shall maintain an up-to-date Register of Communicant Members at all times.
7.5. Treasurer财政
7.5.1. The EDC shall appoint one of their members who has the appropriate financial skills and experience to serve as Treasurer. The Treasurer shall hold office for a term of two (2) years. If the Treasurer has served two (2) consecutive terms, he must retire thereafter for a minimum period of one (1) term.
7.5.2. The Treasurer is responsible for the finances of AGPC and shall maintain proper records of all financial transactions of AGPC. He shall prepare an annual budget for presentation and approval at the ECM.
7.5.3. The Treasurer shall present financial statements of AGPC at the EDC meetings. In addition, he shall prepare the financial report at the end of the Financial Year for audit and shall present the audited accounts of AGPC at the ACM.
7.5.4. All cheques and other withdrawals from the accounts of AGPC must be signed by at least two (2) authorised signatories from members of the EDC appointed by the EDC in a written resolution.
7.6. Assistant Treasurer副财政
7.6.1. The EDC may appoint one of their members who has the appropriate financial skills and experience to serve as the Assistant Treasurer. The Assistant Treasurer shall hold office for a term of two (2) years. If the Assistant Treasurer has served two (2) consecutive terms, he must retire thereafter for a minimum period of one (1) term.
7.6.2. The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer and deputise for the Treasurer during his absence.
7.7. Powers and Responsibilities of the EDC长执会的权力与职务
7.7.1. The EDC shall be responsible for the following:
- Carrying out the decisions of AGPC made in congregational meeting;
- 执行堂议会的议决;
- Establishing, supervising and administering the ministries of AGPC; and
- 开展、监督及管理嘉恩堂的事工; 及
- Administering and managing the property, the funds and the general affairs of AGPC.
- 管理嘉恩堂的产业、资金及日常事务。
7.7.2. The EDC shall have the power to appoint committees to carry out the functions of the EDC as it deems necessary.
7.7.3. Subject to the approval of the Communicant Members at a congregational meeting, the EDC shall have the powers to borrow or raise funds on behalf of AGPC for the purposes of AGPC and to mortgage or charge its undertakings and property, or any part thereof, whether outright or as security for any debt, liability or obligation of AGPC.
7.7.4. The Senior Minister, the Associate Ministers and the Serving Elders, collectively, shall be responsible for the spiritual affairs of AGPC, which shall include the following:
- preaching and teaching the Word of God;
- 宣讲及教导上帝的话语;
- administering the Sacraments; and
- 施行圣礼; 及
- pastoral care and spiritual discipline of Communicant Members.
- 牧养及在属灵上规劝会友。
7.8. Meetings of the EDC长执会会议
7.8.1. The EDC shall be chaired by the appointed EDC Chairperson or the deputy Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson to preside over the meetings of the EDC.
7.8.2. The EDC must meet at least four (4) times a year to transact business. Seven (7) days’ written notice of such meeting must be given to the EDC members. When necessary a special EDC meeting may be called by the Chairperson and the EDC Clerk on two (2) days’ written notice.
7.8.3. The quorum of a meeting of the EDC shall be half of the total number of EDC members.
7.8.4. If a member of the EDC has a direct or indirect interest in a transaction or project or other matter to be discussed at an EDC meeting, that member shall disclose the nature of his interest before the discussion of the matter begins. That member shall not participate in the discussion nor vote on the matter, and shall also offer to withdraw from the meeting and the EDC shall decide if this offer should be accepted.
8.1. Senior Minister, Interim Senior Minister and Associate Ministers
8.1.1. A Minister of PCS who has been invited by AGPC to serve as the Senior Minister or an Associate Minister of AGPC must be ordained or licensed by the relevant Presbytery of PCS or if he was ordained in another denomination or in a country outside of Singapore, has been examined and accepted by PCS to serve as a Minister in accordance with the criteria for appointment and licensing set out in the PCS Constitution and by-laws before he can be called to serve in AGPC.
8.1.2. The EDC may nominate candidates from among Ministers ordained, licensed or examined and accepted by PCS for election as Senior Minister or Associate Minister of AGPC, in which case the names of the nominee(s) must be notified in writing to the Communicant Members twenty-one (21) days prior to the congregational meeting and included in the notice of congregational meeting.
8.1.3. Where AGPC intends to elect or re-elect a Minister of PCS to the office of Senior Minister of AGPC, the EDC shall make a written request to the Presbytery Exco to appoint one other Minister and one Elder (not being from AGPC) to attend and supervise the election or re-election.
8.1.4. Where AGPC intends to elect or re-elect a Minister of PCS to the office of Associate Minister, the EDC shall make a written request to the Presbytery Exco and, in the case of election, the Presbytery Exco shall appoint one other Minister and one Elder (not being from AGPC) to attend and supervise the election and, in the case of re-election, the Presbytery Exco shall commission the Senior Minister of AGPC to conduct and supervise the re-election.
8.1.5. Election of the Senior Minister and Associate Ministers shall be held at a general meeting and decided by ballot.
8.1.6. A candidate for the office of Senior Minister or Associate Minister must attain not less than two-thirds of the total votes cast in order to be elected to office.
8.1.7. If the candidate is not a Communicant Member of AGPC, he shall, upon being elected to the office of Senior Minister or Associate Minister, be deemed a member of AGPC for the duration of his appointment. For clarity, the candidate need not transfer or terminate his membership with his home church while he serves as the Senior Minister or Associate Minister of AGPC.
8.1.8. The term of office of the Senior Minister and an Associate Minister is four (4) years. The terms of engagement shall be agreed between the Senior Minister or the Associate Minister and AGPC and shall be set out in a contract of employment. Subject to Article 8.1.9, the Senior Minister or an Associate Minister may be called to continue as the Senior Minister or Associate Minister, respectively, for subsequent terms of four (4) years each or such other duration as may be agreed with AGPC.
8.1.9. Upon reaching the statutory minimum retirement age as prescribed by the Retirement Age Act (Cap. 274A), the Senior Minister or Associate Minister must retire from office. Notwithstanding the foregoing, AGPC may invite the Senior Minister or Associate Minister who has reached the statutory minimum retirement age to continue in that office for such duration as may be agreed.
8.1.10. In the event that the office of Senior Minister is vacant and there is no Associate Minister in AGPC, the EDC may invite a Senior Minister or Associate Minister of another Presbyterian Church, with the consent of the other Presbyterian Church and the relevant Presbytery of PCS, to serve as an interim-Senior Minister while the EDC seeks to invite a Minister to serve as its Senior Minister.
8.2. Preachers传道
8.2.1. AGPC may invite a Preacher to be inducted to that office in AGPC. The terms of engagement shall be agreed between the Preacher and AGPC and shall be set out in a contract of employment. Upon reaching the statutory minimum retirement age as prescribed by the Retirement Age Act (Cap. 274A), the Preacher must retire from office. Notwithstanding the foregoing, AGPC may invite the Preacher who has reached the statutory minimum retirement age to continue in that office for such duration as may be agreed.
8.2.2. A Preacher who has been invited by AGPC to serve as a Preacher must be licensed by the relevant Presbytery of PCS in accordance with the criteria for appointment and licensing set out in the PCS Constitution and by-laws before he can be invited to serve in AGPC. The Preacher is not a member of the EDC but may be invited by the EDC to attend its meetings as an observer.
8.3. Co-Workers教牧同工
Retired Ministers of PCS and Ministers and Preachers of PCS who are serving in seminaries or para-church organizations, and who are Communicant Members of AGPC, are collectively referred to as “Co-Workers”.
8.1. Senior Minister, Interim Senior Minister and Associate Ministers
8.1.1. A Minister of PCS who has been invited by AGPC to serve as the Senior Minister or an Associate Minister of AGPC must be ordained or licensed by the relevant Presbytery of PCS or if he was ordained in another denomination or in a country outside of Singapore, has been examined and accepted by PCS to serve as a Minister in accordance with the criteria for appointment and licensing set out in the PCS Constitution and by-laws before he can be called to serve in AGPC.
8.1.2. The EDC may nominate candidates from among Ministers ordained, licensed or examined and accepted by PCS for election as Senior Minister or Associate Minister of AGPC, in which case the names of the nominee(s) must be notified in writing to the Communicant Members twenty-one (21) days prior to the congregational meeting and included in the notice of congregational meeting.
8.1.3. Where AGPC intends to elect or re-elect a Minister of PCS to the office of Senior Minister of AGPC, the EDC shall make a written request to the Presbytery Exco to appoint one other Minister and one Elder (not being from AGPC) to attend and supervise the election or re-election.
8.1.4. Where AGPC intends to elect or re-elect a Minister of PCS to the office of Associate Minister, the EDC shall make a written request to the Presbytery Exco and, in the case of election, the Presbytery Exco shall appoint one other Minister and one Elder (not being from AGPC) to attend and supervise the election and, in the case of re-election, the Presbytery Exco shall commission the Senior Minister of AGPC to conduct and supervise the re-election.
8.1.5. Election of the Senior Minister and Associate Ministers shall be held at a general meeting and decided by ballot.
8.1.6. A candidate for the office of Senior Minister or Associate Minister must attain not less than two-thirds of the total votes cast in order to be elected to office.
8.1.7. If the candidate is not a Communicant Member of AGPC, he shall, upon being elected to the office of Senior Minister or Associate Minister, be deemed a member of AGPC for the duration of his appointment. For clarity, the candidate need not transfer or terminate his membership with his home church while he serves as the Senior Minister or Associate Minister of AGPC.
8.1.8. The term of office of the Senior Minister and an Associate Minister is four (4) years. The terms of engagement shall be agreed between the Senior Minister or the Associate Minister and AGPC and shall be set out in a contract of employment. Subject to Article 8.1.9, the Senior Minister or an Associate Minister may be called to continue as the Senior Minister or Associate Minister, respectively, for subsequent terms of four (4) years each or such other duration as may be agreed with AGPC.
8.1.9. Upon reaching the statutory minimum retirement age as prescribed by the Retirement Age Act (Cap. 274A), the Senior Minister or Associate Minister must retire from office. Notwithstanding the foregoing, AGPC may invite the Senior Minister or Associate Minister who has reached the statutory minimum retirement age to continue in that office for such duration as may be agreed.
8.1.10. In the event that the office of Senior Minister is vacant and there is no Associate Minister in AGPC, the EDC may invite a Senior Minister or Associate Minister of another Presbyterian Church, with the consent of the other Presbyterian Church and the relevant Presbytery of PCS, to serve as an interim-Senior Minister while the EDC seeks to invite a Minister to serve as its Senior Minister.
8.2. Preachers传道
8.2.1. AGPC may invite a Preacher to be inducted to that office in AGPC. The terms of engagement shall be agreed between the Preacher and AGPC and shall be set out in a contract of employment. Upon reaching the statutory minimum retirement age as prescribed by the Retirement Age Act (Cap. 274A), the Preacher must retire from office. Notwithstanding the foregoing, AGPC may invite the Preacher who has reached the statutory minimum retirement age to continue in that office for such duration as may be agreed.
8.2.2. A Preacher who has been invited by AGPC to serve as a Preacher must be licensed by the relevant Presbytery of PCS in accordance with the criteria for appointment and licensing set out in the PCS Constitution and by-laws before he can be invited to serve in AGPC. The Preacher is not a member of the EDC but may be invited by the EDC to attend its meetings as an observer.
8.3. Co-Workers教牧同工
Retired Ministers of PCS and Ministers and Preachers of PCS who are serving in seminaries or para-church organizations, and who are Communicant Members of AGPC, are collectively referred to as “Co-Workers”.
9.1. Functions of Elders and Deacons
9.1.1. The Elders, together with the Senior Minister and the Associate Ministers, are responsible for carrying out the ministry work of AGPC, nurturing the spiritual life of the Communicant Members, correcting their errors and such other matters concerning the edification and improvement of AGPC.
9.1.2. The Deacons shall work with the Senior Minister, the Associate Ministers and the Elders in administering the ministries, the financial affairs and the activities of AGPC, in planning AGPC budget, in preparing ministry and financial reports and in managing all matters concerning ministries, finance and administration of AGPC.
9.2. Election of Elders and Deacons长老与执事的选举
9.2.1. Elders and Deacons shall be elected at congregational meetings of AGPC.
9.2.2. Subject to Article 9.2.3, Communicant Members may nominate Communicant Members who have been faithfully serving in AGPC and have demonstrated leadership qualities, for election as Elders and Deacons. All nominations must be proposed and seconded by Communicant Members. The list of nominees must be announced to AGPC twenty-one (21) days prior to the ACM and included in the notice of congregational meeting.
9.2.3. Candidates for the office of Elder and Deacon must have been Communicant Members of AGPC for more than three (3) years, must be 21 years of age and above, must be well versed in Christian teaching, and must fulfil all other criteria prescribed by AGPC. In the case of candidates for the office of Elder, the candidate must have served at least two (2) terms as a Deacon.
9.2.4. Election of Elders and Deacons shall be held at a general meeting and decided by ballot.
9.2.5. A candidate for the office of Elder must attain not less than two-thirds of the total votes cast in order to be elected to office. A candidate for the office of Deacon may be elected to office by a simple majority of the total votes cast.
9.2.6. The term of office of Elders and Deacons is three (3) years. A Serving Elder or Deacon shall be eligible for re-election for consecutive term. If the Serving Elder has served two (2) consecutive terms, he must retire thereafter for a minimum period of one (1) term. The EDC may waive this rule in special circumstances.
长老与执事的任期为一任三(3)年。 在任长老与执事可连选连任多一任。在任长老或执事若已连续任职两(2)任,任满后即须停一(1)任。长执会可视个别情况放宽此限制。
9.2.7. The title of an Elder is for life. An Elder who is serving a term of office is referred in this Constitution as a “Serving Elder”.
9.1. Functions of Elders and Deacons
9.1.1. The Elders, together with the Senior Minister and the Associate Ministers, are responsible for carrying out the ministry work of AGPC, nurturing the spiritual life of the Communicant Members, correcting their errors and such other matters concerning the edification and improvement of AGPC.
9.1.2. The Deacons shall work with the Senior Minister, the Associate Ministers and the Elders in administering the ministries, the financial affairs and the activities of AGPC, in planning AGPC budget, in preparing ministry and financial reports and in managing all matters concerning ministries, finance and administration of AGPC.
9.2. Election of Elders and Deacons长老与执事的选举
9.2.1. Elders and Deacons shall be elected at congregational meetings of AGPC.
9.2.2. Subject to Article 9.2.3, Communicant Members may nominate Communicant Members who have been faithfully serving in AGPC and have demonstrated leadership qualities, for election as Elders and Deacons. All nominations must be proposed and seconded by Communicant Members. The list of nominees must be announced to AGPC twenty-one (21) days prior to the ACM and included in the notice of congregational meeting.
9.2.3. Candidates for the office of Elder and Deacon must have been Communicant Members of AGPC for more than three (3) years, must be 21 years of age and above, must be well versed in Christian teaching, and must fulfil all other criteria prescribed by AGPC. In the case of candidates for the office of Elder, the candidate must have served at least two (2) terms as a Deacon.
9.2.4. Election of Elders and Deacons shall be held at a general meeting and decided by ballot.
9.2.5. A candidate for the office of Elder must attain not less than two-thirds of the total votes cast in order to be elected to office. A candidate for the office of Deacon may be elected to office by a simple majority of the total votes cast.
9.2.6. The term of office of Elders and Deacons is three (3) years. A Serving Elder or Deacon shall be eligible for re-election for consecutive term. If the Serving Elder has served two (2) consecutive terms, he must retire thereafter for a minimum period of one (1) term. The EDC may waive this rule in special circumstances.
长老与执事的任期为一任三(3)年。 在任长老与执事可连选连任多一任。在任长老或执事若已连续任职两(2)任,任满后即须停一(1)任。长执会可视个别情况放宽此限制。
9.2.7. The title of an Elder is for life. An Elder who is serving a term of office is referred in this Constitution as a “Serving Elder”.
10.1. There has been increasing confusion and distortion of human sexuality in our society. As such, alternative lifestyles and sexual conduct that are contrary to Biblical teaching have been gradually gaining acceptance in our society and AGPC must watch against the tolerance and acceptance of such practices within AGPC. AGPC, as instructed by Scriptures, uphold the following truths and practices:
10.1.1. That humanity has been created in the image of God, as male and female, to the exclusion of all others (Genesis 1:26-28);
10.1.2. A substantive expression of the image of God is the marriage institution, defined clearly and uniquely as a lifelong monogamous and exclusive union between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:15-24; Matthew 19:3-9);
10.1.3. That any form of sexual expression before and outside of marriage is forbidden and is reckoned as sin (1 Corinthians 6:9-20);
10.1.4. That all Ministers, Preachers, Elders, Deacons and including those applying to be appointed must adhere to, practise and promote these biblical teachings on sexuality, sexual conduct and marriage;
10.1.5. That Ministers and Preachers, together with EDC, shall ensure that all ministry leaders and church staff must adhere to, practise and promote these biblical teachings on sexuality, sexual conduct and marriage;
10.1.6. That Ministers and Preachers, together with EDC, shall exhort their congregants to adhere to and practise the biblical teaching on sexuality, sexual conduct and marriage as faithful witnesses of Christ; and
牧师和传道及长执会,当劝导他们的会众——做为基督忠心的见证人:他们谨守遵行这些关于性别、性行为与婚姻的圣经教导; 并
10.1.7. That all forms of sexual misconduct dishonours God and should not be condone. Any form of sexual misconduct by a communicant member shall be dealt with by the relevant Member through church discipline in accordance with its constitution and by-laws.
10.2. AGPC shall not allow any part of its premises to be used by any persons (including organisations) who do not agree with the Biblical teachings on sexuality, sexual conduct and marriage, as described in Article 10.1, for any activity, event or program (including weddings and celebrations of union) that does not uphold and promote these Biblical teachings.
10.1. There has been increasing confusion and distortion of human sexuality in our society. As such, alternative lifestyles and sexual conduct that are contrary to Biblical teaching have been gradually gaining acceptance in our society and AGPC must watch against the tolerance and acceptance of such practices within AGPC. AGPC, as instructed by Scriptures, uphold the following truths and practices:
10.1.1. That humanity has been created in the image of God, as male and female, to the exclusion of all others (Genesis 1:26-28);
10.1.2. A substantive expression of the image of God is the marriage institution, defined clearly and uniquely as a lifelong monogamous and exclusive union between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:15-24; Matthew 19:3-9);
10.1.3. That any form of sexual expression before and outside of marriage is forbidden and is reckoned as sin (1 Corinthians 6:9-20);
10.1.4. That all Ministers, Preachers, Elders, Deacons and including those applying to be appointed must adhere to, practise and promote these biblical teachings on sexuality, sexual conduct and marriage;
10.1.5. That Ministers and Preachers, together with EDC, shall ensure that all ministry leaders and church staff must adhere to, practise and promote these biblical teachings on sexuality, sexual conduct and marriage;
10.1.6. That Ministers and Preachers, together with EDC, shall exhort their congregants to adhere to and practise the biblical teaching on sexuality, sexual conduct and marriage as faithful witnesses of Christ; and
牧师和传道及长执会,当劝导他们的会众——做为基督忠心的见证人:他们谨守遵行这些关于性别、性行为与婚姻的圣经教导; 并
10.1.7. That all forms of sexual misconduct dishonours God and should not be condone. Any form of sexual misconduct by a communicant member shall be dealt with by the relevant Member through church discipline in accordance with its constitution and by-laws.
10.2. AGPC shall not allow any part of its premises to be used by any persons (including organisations) who do not agree with the Biblical teachings on sexuality, sexual conduct and marriage, as described in Article 10.1, for any activity, event or program (including weddings and celebrations of union) that does not uphold and promote these Biblical teachings.
11.1. Subject to the approval of the Registrar of Societies, AGPC may establish branch congregations in accordance with the prescribed procedures as decided by EDC.
11.2. The EDC shall be responsible for the spiritual affairs and the administration of the branch congregations.
11.3. A branch congregation that has a Minister and at least two (2) Elders elected by AGPC to serve that congregation may be registered or incorporated as an independent Presbyterian church and an independent member of the PCS. To achieve independent status, the approval of at least two-thirds of the Communicant Members present at a congregational meeting of AGPC must be obtained. The EDC shall make a written request to the Presbytery Exco to appoint one other Minister and one Elder (not being from AGPC) to attend the congregational meeting and supervise the proceedings.
11.1. Subject to the approval of the Registrar of Societies, AGPC may establish branch congregations in accordance with the prescribed procedures as decided by EDC.
11.2. The EDC shall be responsible for the spiritual affairs and the administration of the branch congregations.
11.3. A branch congregation that has a Minister and at least two (2) Elders elected by AGPC to serve that congregation may be registered or incorporated as an independent Presbyterian church and an independent member of the PCS. To achieve independent status, the approval of at least two-thirds of the Communicant Members present at a congregational meeting of AGPC must be obtained. The EDC shall make a written request to the Presbytery Exco to appoint one other Minister and one Elder (not being from AGPC) to attend the congregational meeting and supervise the proceedings.
12. BY-LAWS附则
AGPC may enact by-laws not inconsistent with this Constitution for, but not limited to, the following matters:
AGPC may enact by-laws not inconsistent with this Constitution for, but not limited to, the following matters:
- to give effect to the provisions of this Constitution;
- 为有效执行本堂法规的条文;
- to regulate meetings in AGPC;
- 为进行嘉恩堂会议;
- to regulate the functions and procedures of AGPC;
- 为进行嘉恩堂的职责与程序;
- to regulate the proper keeping of the books and the accounts of AGPC;
- 为进行嘉恩堂的记录和账目;
- to regulate the administration of the activities of AGPC;
- 为进行嘉恩堂活动的运作;
- to provide for the appointment of Church staff and other personnel;
- 为聘请嘉恩堂职员和其他工作人员;
- to provide for all matters for the proper functioning of AGPC.
- 为提供嘉恩堂的正常运作所需资源。
13.1. As a member of PCS and to retain its membership with PCS, AGPC shall notify PCS in writing of any proposed changes to the Constitution and take into consideration any comments that PCS may have regarding the proposed changes.
13.2. AGPC shall not amend the Constitution without the prior approval in writing of the Registrar of Societies and the Commissioner of Charities. No additions, alterations or deletions shall be made to the Constitution unless the same shall have been previously submitted to and approved by at least two-thirds of the votes of the Communicant Members present at a congregational meeting of AGPC. The quorum of a congregational meeting where any proposed amendment of the Constitution is tabled shall be 50% of the total number of active Communicant Members.
嘉恩堂不可在获得社团注册局局长及慈善总监的书面批准前,修改法规。法规不得添加、更改或删除 ,除非这些修改已在嘉恩堂堂议会中获得出席会友至少三分之二的赞成票。凡议程中有修该法规的议会,法定人数为总活跃会友人数的50%。
13.1. As a member of PCS and to retain its membership with PCS, AGPC shall notify PCS in writing of any proposed changes to the Constitution and take into consideration any comments that PCS may have regarding the proposed changes.
13.2. AGPC shall not amend the Constitution without the prior approval in writing of the Registrar of Societies and the Commissioner of Charities. No additions, alterations or deletions shall be made to the Constitution unless the same shall have been previously submitted to and approved by at least two-thirds of the votes of the Communicant Members present at a congregational meeting of AGPC. The quorum of a congregational meeting where any proposed amendment of the Constitution is tabled shall be 50% of the total number of active Communicant Members.
嘉恩堂不可在获得社团注册局局长及慈善总监的书面批准前,修改法规。法规不得添加、更改或删除 ,除非这些修改已在嘉恩堂堂议会中获得出席会友至少三分之二的赞成票。凡议程中有修该法规的议会,法定人数为总活跃会友人数的50%。
14.1. In the event of any question or matter arising out of a dispute or difference in meaning of any point in this Constitution or arising out of any point which is not expressly provided for in this Constitution, the EDC shall have the power to use its own discretion. The decision of the EDC shall be final unless it is reversed at a congregational meeting of AGPC.
14.2. In the event of any apparent conflict between the English version of this Constitution and any other translation of it, the meaning as conveyed by the English version shall prevail.
14.1. In the event of any question or matter arising out of a dispute or difference in meaning of any point in this Constitution or arising out of any point which is not expressly provided for in this Constitution, the EDC shall have the power to use its own discretion. The decision of the EDC shall be final unless it is reversed at a congregational meeting of AGPC.
14.2. In the event of any apparent conflict between the English version of this Constitution and any other translation of it, the meaning as conveyed by the English version shall prevail.
15.1. If AGPC at any time acquires any immovable property, such property shall be vested in trustees subject to a declaration of trust.
15.2. AGPC shall appoint either a trust corporation or at least three (3) Communicant Members to act as trustees of AGPC. The trustees of AGPC:
15.3. AGPC may terminate a trustee’s appointment:
15.4. Written notice of any proposal to remove a trustee from his trusteeship or to appoint a new trustee to fill a vacancy must be given to Communicant Members at least fourteen (14) days before the congregational meeting at which such proposal is tabled. The result of the proposal shall be notified to the Registrar of Societies and the Commissioner of Charities.
15.5. The address of each immovable property, name of each trustee and any subsequent change to the foregoing must be notified to the Registrar of Societies and the Commissioner of Charities.
15.1. If AGPC at any time acquires any immovable property, such property shall be vested in trustees subject to a declaration of trust.
15.2. AGPC shall appoint either a trust corporation or at least three (3) Communicant Members to act as trustees of AGPC. The trustees of AGPC:
- shall be elected by a simple majority vote of Communicant Members present and voting at a congregational meeting;
- 嘉恩堂的信托人是由出席会友在堂议会上以超过半数赞成票选出。
- shall not effect any sale or mortgage of property unless it has been instructed by the EDC to do so and such instructions to be made after two-thirds of the Communicant Members present at a congregational meeting have voted in favour of the sale or mortgage of the property. The quorum of a congregational meeting where the sale or mortgage of property is tabled shall be 50% of the total number of active Communicant Members.
- 嘉恩堂的信托人除非得到长执会的指示,否则不得进行任何产业出售或抵押行动。该指示须获得堂议会的出席会友三分之二的赞成票。凡议程中有出售或抵押嘉恩堂产业的议会法定人数为总活跃会友人数的50%。
15.3. AGPC may terminate a trustee’s appointment:
- if the trustee, being a trust corporation, is wound up or threatened with winding up proceedings;
- 若身为信托法团的信托人必须清盘或可能面对清盘的法律程序;
- if the trustee is guilty of misconduct of such a kind as to render it undesirable for him to continue as a trustee;
- 若该信托人被法庭所定的罪名使他不宜担任信托人;
- if the trustee dies or becomes a lunatic or of unsound mind;
- 若该信托人逝世、丧失心智或心智不正常;
- if the trustee is absent from the Republic of Singapore for a period of more than one (1) year;
- 若该信托人离开新加坡共和国超过一(1)年;
- if the trustee becomes bankrupt;
- 若该信托人破产;
- if the trustee ceases to be a member of AGPC; or
- 若该信托人不再是嘉恩堂的会友; 或
- if the trustee is incapacitated for any reason.
- 若该信托人因任何理由丧失执行职责的能力。
15.4. Written notice of any proposal to remove a trustee from his trusteeship or to appoint a new trustee to fill a vacancy must be given to Communicant Members at least fourteen (14) days before the congregational meeting at which such proposal is tabled. The result of the proposal shall be notified to the Registrar of Societies and the Commissioner of Charities.
15.5. The address of each immovable property, name of each trustee and any subsequent change to the foregoing must be notified to the Registrar of Societies and the Commissioner of Charities.
16.1. A firm of Certified Public Accountants shall be appointed as Auditors at each ACM for a term of one (1) year and shall be eligible for reappointment.
16.2. They:
16.3. The financial year shall be from 1st January to 31st December.
16.1. A firm of Certified Public Accountants shall be appointed as Auditors at each ACM for a term of one (1) year and shall be eligible for reappointment.
16.2. They:
- will be required to audit each year's accounts and present a report upon them to the ACM; and
- 须审计每年的账目,并提交一份报告予堂议会; 和
- may be required by the EDC to audit AGPC’s accounts for any period within their tenure of office at any date and present a report to the EDC.
- 在委任期内可能应长执会的要求,随时审核嘉恩堂的帐目并向长执会作出报告。
16.3. The financial year shall be from 1st January to 31st December.
17.1. The introduction of gambling, idolatry, homosexual activities, drug taking, vice and such other illicit activities into AGPC is prohibited. All such activities, excluding the promotion or conduct of a private lottery which has been permitted under the Private Lotteries Act (Cap. 250), is forbidden on AGPC’s premises.
17.2. The funds of AGPC shall not be used to pay the fines of Communicant Members who have been convicted in a court of law.
17.3. The income and property of AGPC whensoever derived shall be applied towards the promotion of the purposes of AGPC as set forth in this Constitution and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend or bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profit to the persons who at any time are or have been members of AGPC or to any of them or to any person claiming through any of them. This restriction shall not apply to the payment of the salaries/bonuses and benefits of the staff of AGPC.
17.4. AGPC shall not engage in any trade union activity as defined in any written law relating to trade unions for the time being in force in Singapore.
17.5. AGPC shall not indulge in any political activity or allow its funds and/or premises to be used for political purposes.
17.6. AGPC shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in the name of AGPC or its office-bearers, Committee or Communicant members unless with the prior approval of the relevant authorities.
17.7. AGPC shall not raise funds from the public for whatever purposes without the prior approval in writing of the Assistant Director Operations Licensing Division, Singapore Police Force and other relevant authorities.
17.8. AGPC shall not engage in activities outside Singapore which are not in accordance with the laws of the foreign country.
17.9. AGPC shall not engage in any activities that may undermine the racial or religious harmony in Singapore.
17.1. The introduction of gambling, idolatry, homosexual activities, drug taking, vice and such other illicit activities into AGPC is prohibited. All such activities, excluding the promotion or conduct of a private lottery which has been permitted under the Private Lotteries Act (Cap. 250), is forbidden on AGPC’s premises.
17.2. The funds of AGPC shall not be used to pay the fines of Communicant Members who have been convicted in a court of law.
17.3. The income and property of AGPC whensoever derived shall be applied towards the promotion of the purposes of AGPC as set forth in this Constitution and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend or bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profit to the persons who at any time are or have been members of AGPC or to any of them or to any person claiming through any of them. This restriction shall not apply to the payment of the salaries/bonuses and benefits of the staff of AGPC.
17.4. AGPC shall not engage in any trade union activity as defined in any written law relating to trade unions for the time being in force in Singapore.
17.5. AGPC shall not indulge in any political activity or allow its funds and/or premises to be used for political purposes.
17.6. AGPC shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in the name of AGPC or its office-bearers, Committee or Communicant members unless with the prior approval of the relevant authorities.
17.7. AGPC shall not raise funds from the public for whatever purposes without the prior approval in writing of the Assistant Director Operations Licensing Division, Singapore Police Force and other relevant authorities.
17.8. AGPC shall not engage in activities outside Singapore which are not in accordance with the laws of the foreign country.
17.9. AGPC shall not engage in any activities that may undermine the racial or religious harmony in Singapore.
18.1. Adherents who are 16 years of age and above and have been baptized may partake in the Lord’s Supper.
18.2. Adherents may attend congregational meetings as observers but shall not have the right to participate in congregational meetings nor have the right to nominate, vote or be elected to office in AGPC.
18.3. Adherents, visitors and guests may be admitted into the premises of AGPC. All adherents, visitors and guests shall abide by the rules and regulations of AGPC.
18.1. Adherents who are 16 years of age and above and have been baptized may partake in the Lord’s Supper.
18.2. Adherents may attend congregational meetings as observers but shall not have the right to participate in congregational meetings nor have the right to nominate, vote or be elected to office in AGPC.
18.3. Adherents, visitors and guests may be admitted into the premises of AGPC. All adherents, visitors and guests shall abide by the rules and regulations of AGPC.
19.1. All disputes between Communicant Members shall be referred to the EDC for counselling, mediation and resolution. The disputing Communicant Members agree to submit to the authority and abide by the decision of the EDC.
19.2. Where the dispute is between the EDC and a Communicant Member, the EDC and the Communicant Member shall attempt to amicably resolve the dispute between themselves. If the EDC and the Communicant Member are not able to amicably resolve the dispute between themselves, they may agree to refer the dispute to the Executive Committee of the relevant Presbytery of PCS to which AGPC belongs for resolution.
19.3. Scriptural and constitutional laws shall be applied to resolve all disputes to be decided hereunder.
19.4. If the Executive Committee of the Presbytery of PCS is of the view that the subject matter of the dispute warrants the dispute being dealt with by the Executive Committee of the Synod of PCS, the Executive Committee of the Presbytery may refer the dispute to the Executive Committee of the Synod of PCS for resolution. The EDC and the Communicant Member agree to abide by the decision of the Executive Committee of the Presbytery or, if the dispute is referred to the Executive Committee of the Synod of PCS, the decision of the Executive Committee of the Synod.
19.5. While any such dispute is pending a resolution, the parties involved in the dispute shall not refer the matter or any part thereof to the secular courts and shall not disclose, publicize or publish reports on the matter to the public.
19.6. An individual involved in the dispute, if holding a position in the body charged with resolving the dispute, shall abstain from deciding the matter, and if it is considered necessary, must withdraw from the meetings.
19.7. The decision of the Executive Committee of the Presbytery, in the case of a matter referred to it pursuant to Article 19.2, and the decision of the Executive Committee of the Synod, in the case of a matter referred to it pursuant to Article 19.4, shall be final.
19.1. All disputes between Communicant Members shall be referred to the EDC for counselling, mediation and resolution. The disputing Communicant Members agree to submit to the authority and abide by the decision of the EDC.
19.2. Where the dispute is between the EDC and a Communicant Member, the EDC and the Communicant Member shall attempt to amicably resolve the dispute between themselves. If the EDC and the Communicant Member are not able to amicably resolve the dispute between themselves, they may agree to refer the dispute to the Executive Committee of the relevant Presbytery of PCS to which AGPC belongs for resolution.
19.3. Scriptural and constitutional laws shall be applied to resolve all disputes to be decided hereunder.
19.4. If the Executive Committee of the Presbytery of PCS is of the view that the subject matter of the dispute warrants the dispute being dealt with by the Executive Committee of the Synod of PCS, the Executive Committee of the Presbytery may refer the dispute to the Executive Committee of the Synod of PCS for resolution. The EDC and the Communicant Member agree to abide by the decision of the Executive Committee of the Presbytery or, if the dispute is referred to the Executive Committee of the Synod of PCS, the decision of the Executive Committee of the Synod.
19.5. While any such dispute is pending a resolution, the parties involved in the dispute shall not refer the matter or any part thereof to the secular courts and shall not disclose, publicize or publish reports on the matter to the public.
19.6. An individual involved in the dispute, if holding a position in the body charged with resolving the dispute, shall abstain from deciding the matter, and if it is considered necessary, must withdraw from the meetings.
19.7. The decision of the Executive Committee of the Presbytery, in the case of a matter referred to it pursuant to Article 19.2, and the decision of the Executive Committee of the Synod, in the case of a matter referred to it pursuant to Article 19.4, shall be final.
20.1. In the event that AGPC ceases to be a registered charity under the Charities Act, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of AGPC shall be fully discharged, and the remaining funds will be contributed to charitable organizations with similar objectives in Singapore which are registered under the Charities Act as the Communicant Members of AGPC may determine at the General Meeting, unless otherwise allowed by the Commissioner of Charities.
20.1. In the event that AGPC ceases to be a registered charity under the Charities Act, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of AGPC shall be fully discharged, and the remaining funds will be contributed to charitable organizations with similar objectives in Singapore which are registered under the Charities Act as the Communicant Members of AGPC may determine at the General Meeting, unless otherwise allowed by the Commissioner of Charities.
21.1. AGPC may not be dissolved, except with the consent of not less than two-thirds of the total number of active Communicant Members present at a congregational meeting convened for this purpose. The quorum of a congregational meeting where the dissolution of AGPC is tabled shall be 50% of the total number of active Communicant Members.
21.2. In the event of AGPC being dissolved as provided above, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of AGPC shall be fully discharged, and all its remaining properties, funds, bank deposits, and cash shall be donated to charitable organizations with similar objectives in Singapore which are registered under the Charities Act (Cap. 37) as the Communicant Members may determine at a congregational meeting.
21.3. A Certificate of Dissolution shall be given to the Registrar of Societies and the Commissioner of Charities within seven (7) days of the dissolution.
21.1. AGPC may not be dissolved, except with the consent of not less than two-thirds of the total number of active Communicant Members present at a congregational meeting convened for this purpose. The quorum of a congregational meeting where the dissolution of AGPC is tabled shall be 50% of the total number of active Communicant Members.
21.2. In the event of AGPC being dissolved as provided above, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of AGPC shall be fully discharged, and all its remaining properties, funds, bank deposits, and cash shall be donated to charitable organizations with similar objectives in Singapore which are registered under the Charities Act (Cap. 37) as the Communicant Members may determine at a congregational meeting.
21.3. A Certificate of Dissolution shall be given to the Registrar of Societies and the Commissioner of Charities within seven (7) days of the dissolution.
22.1. Whenever a member of the EDC is in any way, directly or indirectly, has an interest in a transaction or project or other matter to be discussed at a meeting, the member shall disclose the nature of his interest before the discussion on the matter begins.
22.2. The member concerned should not participate in the discussion or vote on the matter, and should also offer to withdraw from the meeting and the EDC shall decide if this should be accepted.
22.1. Whenever a member of the EDC is in any way, directly or indirectly, has an interest in a transaction or project or other matter to be discussed at a meeting, the member shall disclose the nature of his interest before the discussion on the matter begins.
22.2. The member concerned should not participate in the discussion or vote on the matter, and should also offer to withdraw from the meeting and the EDC shall decide if this should be accepted.
23.1. In this Constitution, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the meaning ascribed against it:
23.2. Words importing the singular shall include the plural, words importing one gender shall include the other gender, and words importing a person shall include a firm and corporation and vice-versa.
23.1. In this Constitution, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the meaning ascribed against it:
- “Adherent” means believers who regularly worship at AGPC but have yet to become Communicant Member of AGPC;
- “信徒”意指经常在嘉恩堂崇拜但还未成为嘉恩堂会友的基督徒;
- “Communicant Member” means a person who is 16 years and above and who has been accepted as a Communicant Member of AGPC in accordance with Articles 5.1.1 and 5.2;
- “会友”是指年龄至少十六(16)岁或以上并为嘉恩堂按照第5.1.1及5.2条文被接受为嘉恩堂受餐会友者;
- “Co-Workers” means Communicant Members who are retired Ministers and Ministers and Preachers serving in seminaries or para-church organizations;
- “教牧同工”是指身为会友的退休牧师及在神学院或基督教机构服事的牧师及传道;
- “Elders and Deacons Court” or “EDC” means the highest governing body of AGPC composed of the Senior Minister, the Associate Ministers and a minimum of two (2) Serving Elders and two (2) Deacons responsible for the administration of the ministries of AGPC and the administration and management of the property, the funds and the general affairs of AGPC;
- “长执会”是指嘉恩堂的最高治理单位,由嘉恩堂主理牧师、同理牧师、至少两(2)名在任长老及两(2)名执事所组成,负责管理嘉恩堂的所有事工以及嘉恩堂的产业、资金及日常事务;
- “Executive Committee of the Presbytery of PCS” has the meaning ascribed to it in Article 5.5.1 of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in Singapore;
- “中会常委会”是指在长老大会法规第5.5.1条所赋予之意义;
- “Executive Committee of the Synod of PCS” has the meaning ascribed to it in Article 6.5.1 of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in Singapore;
- “大会常委会”是指在长老大会法规第6.5.1条所赋予之意义;
- “Financial Year” means the period from 1st January to 31st December;
- “财政年度”是指是年1月1日至12月31日;
- “Minister” means a Preacher who has been ordained or licensed as a Minister by the relevant Presbytery of PCS, or a Minister who was ordained in another country and has been examined and accepted by PCS to serve as a Minister;
- “牧师”是指经长老大会相关中会按立并授任的传道人,或在国外受按立并经长老大会审核并接受的牧师;
- “PCS” means The Presbyterian Church in Singapore;
- “长老大会”(PCS)是指基督教新加坡长老大会(The Presbyterian Church in Singapore);
- “Preacher” means a graduate of a recognized theological college who has been licensed as a Preacher by the relevant Presbytery of PCS;
- “传道”是指在受承认的神学院毕业并经长老大会相关中会授任为传道人的神学生;
- “Presbytery” means a court composed of the Representatives of a group of Presbyterian Churches;
- “中会”是指由一组长老会会员堂会的代表所组成的议会;
- “Representatives” means those persons described in Article 4.3 appointed by AGPC to represent it at the general meetings of the Presbytery and the Synod;
- “代表”是指嘉恩堂按照第4.3条文所委派出席中会与大会议会的本堂代表;
- “Synod” means the highest assembly of PCS attended by all the Representatives of the members of PCS.
- “大会”是指基督教新加坡长老会之最高议会,由各长老会会员堂会的代表所组成。
23.2. Words importing the singular shall include the plural, words importing one gender shall include the other gender, and words importing a person shall include a firm and corporation and vice-versa.

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